John Cadmore

For many years, John Cadmore has been instrumental in the development and running of The Centre undertaking an endless variety of roles. Here he tells us about his involvement.

Q. How long have you been involved with The Centre?
A. I joined in the 1980’s as a member of the now long since defunct Choir.

Q. And was that the start of a long journey?
A. You could say that! In 1985 I got involved with set building and backstage activities, designing and heading up the set-building for numerous Music and Drama productions, including transportable sets, that fitted in the boot of a coach, for festival plays/sets as far afield as Lindlar, in Germany.

Q. And how did you make it to Chairman?
A. By the early 1990’s I was a member of the Management Committee which later evolved into the Board of Directors. I became Chairman for the first time in 2000, followed by several three-year stints until Jenny replaced me. I stood down initially as I felt it time for me to give someone else the opportunity to inject some new ideas into The Centre.

Q. And how else have you been involved?
A. I’ve been Chairman of the Music and Drama Committee on a couple of occasions and have also been Secretary of this group. And I was instrumental in the amalgamation of The Light Operatic Group and The Drama Group to form the Music and Drama Group.

Q. Have you ever been on stage?
A. Although I’ve stage managed several productions and have been a member of the backstage team on numerous occasions, I’ve only ever contemplated walk on/chorus/one liner/one-worder parts in pantos and musicals. I know my place!

Q. And what else?
A. For many years I headed the Buildings Committee, finally standing down as I had done it long enough, it was time for somebody new. For many years I carried out day to day maintenance including looking after the original auditorium seating system, running the heating programme, keeping us in light bulbs. Lots of seemingly mundane tasks that are vital to the smooth running of The Centre.

I joined at the time when we had a sewage flood under the stage and since then I’ve been
involved with many building and upgrading schemes including installing the new front staircase and Box Office, enlarging the Control and Phoenix Rooms and establishing the Gallery.

Q. And how do you see The Centre evolving in the future?
A. I feel passionately that it should continue to be the pivotal hub in the creative life of Shaftesbury. We must always strive to achieve our Mission Statement which is ‘Shaftesbury Arts Centre will take the lead in seeking to optimise opportunities for the community of Shaftesbury and the surrounding area to experience and take part in the highest standard of the widest range of the creative arts.’