Jo Johnson

Jo Johnson is an Arts Centre Director. Here she tells us more about herself.

Q. How long have you been a Director?
A. I’m the newest Director and no sooner had I taken on the role than we closed for lockdown – a coincidence I’m sure!

Q. What are your areas of responsibility?
A. I have responsibility for the public’s experience at The Centre, which can cover anything from reviewing policies such as Health and Safety issues through to making sure that everyone who comes through our doors has the very best time possible. It’s a tall order but one I’m looking forward to fulfilling.

Q. How long have you lived in the area?
A. I’ve lived in Shaftesbury for over twenty years.

Q. And do you have a ‘day job’?
A. I have quite a few! I’m Chairman of the Talking Newspaper for the Visually Impaired and also an Anglican Licensed Lay Minister, plus I administrate six churches out of Semley and do bookkeeping for an environmental company one day a week.

Q. What are you hopes for the future of The Centre?
A. That we can re-open and continue our upward path of improvement for the good of the community.

Q. Any final thoughts?
A. I think it’s amazing to have such a flourishing Arts Centre in such a small town. Apart from anything else it gives visitors such a positive impression as they leave the car park and the first thing they see is our wonderful Gallery. I hope to be able to do some small thing to help our move onwards and upward. It really has something for everyone, offering entertainment and culture.