Richard Lloyd – Vice-Chairman

In addition to being Vice Chairman, Richard Lloyd wears many other hats at The Centre! Here he tells us all about his involvement.

Q.What does your role entail?
A. As Vice Chairman my role is to support and assist the Chairman in her responsibilities and duties and to deputise if the need arises. But I’m involved in a number of other activities too. I’m the liaison Director for both the Film Society and the Photography Group. My role there involves attending meetings and acting as the link between the Groups and the Board of Trustees. I’m also part of the Buildings’ Group which is responsible for the upkeep and general maintenance of the building. And last but not least, I’m a member of the Phase 4 Building Group which oversees the expansion plans for the Centre.

Q. How long have you been a Trustee?
A. I first became a Trustee of the Arts Centre in 2009 and acted as Company Secretary for five years.

Q. What drew you to the role?
A. I’d already been a member of the Music and Drama Group for eight years and had been Secretary of the group as well as acting, singing, undertaking set design and set construction in various productions. With the background knowledge gained from this experience, I thought I’d like to get involved in management and help to improve its facilities and range of activities.

Q. How long have you lived in Shaftesbury and how did you get involved in The Centre?
A. We moved to Shaftesbury from West London in 1998. I’d been working as an architect and my wife was a primary school teacher. We got heavily involved in the Millennium Play “On the Green Rock” almost as soon as we arrived. We helped with the fundraising and then both of us ended up with acting roles in the play. It was a very enjoyable experience and having had a taste of being on stage, I then joined the Arts Centre later that year playing a gangster in my favourite musical “Guys and Dolls”. From then on I was hooked!

Q. What’s the best thing about being involved with The Centre?
A. Being instrumental in bringing about improvements to the range and standard of the arts and crafts the Centre provides and also the feeling that you can help actually make things happen.

Q. What’s your least favourite part of the role?
A. Having to climb up Gold Hill on a wet, cold and dark winter’s night to attend a meeting at the Arts Centre! We are now having Teams meetings from home instead due to the Covid 19 pandemic, which is the only benefit that’s arisen from our present predicament.

Q. What are your hopes for The Centre?
A. Once this present crisis is over, I hope it will remain a strong focus for the arts and crafts in our area and that it will continue to improve its facilities and range of activities, reaching out to everyone in the community.

Q. Which one word describes the essence of The Centre to you?
A. Fulfilling.