13 Bell Street Shaftesbury SP7 8AR

Upcoming Events

Current Month


wed16octAll Daytue22Feeling Woolly! - Jess Sims16 - 22 Oct(All Day)(GMT+00:00) Event Type Exhibition

wed23octAll Daytue29Untold Stories - CQ West23 - 29 Oct(All Day)(GMT+00:00) Event Type Exhibition


thu14novAll Daytue26Eeles Family Pottery & Laurence Belbin14 - 26 Nov(All Day)(GMT+00:00) Event Type Exhibition

wed27novAll Daytue03decBlue Or Green - Joanne Rutter, Ani Overton & Carole Waller27 Nov - 03 Dec(All Day)(GMT+00:00) Event Type Exhibition


wed27novAll Daytue03decBlue Or Green - Joanne Rutter, Ani Overton & Carole Waller27 Nov - 03 Dec(All Day)(GMT+00:00) Event Type Exhibition

wed18decAll Daytue24Those That Can, Volume I: Echoes Of Nature – Folklore and Landscape - Ruth Readman & Claire Godfree18 - 24 Dec(All Day)(GMT+00:00) Event Type Exhibition