Become A Member Of Shaftesbury Arts Centre

In order to take part in activities within Shaftesbury Arts Centre, including the following:

  • Music and Drama Group
  • Film Society
  • Art Group
  • Keep Fit

you need to be a Member of Shaftesbury Arts Centre. Gallery exhibitors can also receive a reduction on the commission rate if they are members.

Membership runs for 12 months from the date you join and is renewable annually. You can pay using any major credit card.

If you would like to support our programme of performances but don’t want to take part in activities or groups within Shaftesbury Arts Centre, you may prefer to become a Friend of Shaftesbury Arts Centre.


Membership Benefits

Becoming a member means you are not only eligible to take part in any of the Centre’s many activities, but you also:

  • qualify for a discount on many ticket prices* – and see Film Society films for free if you take out extra Film Society membership (this alone can more than cover the cost of membership in any year)
  • can take an active part in the running of the centre
  • can vote at the annual general meeting
  • can stand for election as a board trustee if you wish

*Please note: The Arts Centre can only offer discounts on tickets where it sets the ticket price. Some external performers and activity organisers may not offer a members’ discount.


Current subscription rates (from 1st Sep 2023) are as follows:

Adult + Film Society
Joint Adult (2 adults at same address)
Joint Adult + Film Society
Junior (under 18)


Reduced rate Students over 18 in fulltime education and people receiving state benefits qualify for a reduced subscription. To get the reduced rate applications must be made in person and evidence of entitlement produced. Please note there is currently no reduced rate for pensioners.

Adult reduced
Adult + Film Society reduced
Joint Adult reduced
Joint Adult + Film Society reduced


Membership cards for Film Society members will be available for collection
from the box office approx. one week after purchasing or renewing your
membership. Film Society members will need to show their membership cards
for admittance into Film Society events.

For all other memberships, you do not need a membership card to receive
ticket discounts but if you would like one, you can request a card from the
box office or the membership secretary.


Click here to join


Renewing your membership?

You can renew your membership, or update your details online. Just go into your account, by clicking here


Terms & Conditions (valid at 1st September 2023)

Membership: By becoming a member of Shaftesbury Arts Centre you become a shareholder in the charitable company that is Shaftesbury Arts Centre* and agree to the following:

  • to abide by the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the charity and its rules, a copy of which is attached here.
  • to pay the charity an amount not exceeding £10 if the charity is dissolved while you are a member and for 12 months after you have ceased to be a member in accordance with clause 7 of the charity’s Memorandum of Association.
  • to pay any membership subscriptions that are levied in accordance with the charity’s Articles and/or Rules.

*Please note: If you do not wish to become a shareholder in the charitable company that is Shaftesbury Arts Centre then you can opt out by contacting

Membership fees include VAT at 20%. VAT registration no. GB461 8624 78.